Bring Ireland

Wallpapers of Ireland is GBM Limerick’s front end brand for the global curated and commissioned digital wall covering markets.
With over 50 years in business, we are a second-generation Irish family company with a proud Irish American story.
Founded in 1967, GBM is an Irish family-run company serving the domestic, professional, academic and corporate markets.
Serving as a reprographics house since the company’s inception, experience and technologies have encouraged expansion and the continuous development of our product portfolio and client services.
Focussing on sustainable methodologies both in production and print media, we consistently bring to market solutions which are both unique and beautiful.
A global company based in Ireland, all our work is produced in house and printed at resolutions up to 2400 x 1200 dpi using full ICC profile management workflows.
We deliver on environmental graphics through the use of signage, visual communication and wayfinding as part of a wider holistic branding strategy, the focus of Wallpapers of Ireland specifically is the design, production and realisation of bespoke digital wall coverings which are made in Ireland.
In the Irish tradition of the seanchaí, stories are born by weaving people, place and tradition into the tapestry of every tale. This is our story.
Born in The Glen in Waterford City, meet Dermot O. Long on his way to school in 1954. Like JFK’s ancestors, dad’s father was a cooper as was his father before him. He would later move to Houston, Texas and London, England before returning to work in General Office Supplies Waterford.
Our mother, Brenda Healy had just returned from San Francisco and worked in the offices of Waterford Glass. As she tells it, she saw Dad come into the office wearing his best suit and tie and decided she would marry him. The economy in Ireland was in recession in the early 1960’s, but despite this Dad set up GBM in Limerick, staying in lodgings during the week and going back to Waterford & Mom on the weekends. It was very hard work but ‘fortune favours the brave’ and the business succeeded. Brenda and Dermot’s two children, Dermot M. and Julie now manage the business; the second generation.